Description: Expression parser used for analysis and calculations of mathematical expressions.
OPERATIONS And FUNCTIONS: +; -; /; *; < < (shift to the left); > > (shift to the right); | (or); & (and); ^ (excluding or); ~ (not). The functions can have one parameter, two parameters, any quantity of parameters, or not have them at all (for example, constant). sin(x); cos(x); tg(x); ctg(x); arcsin(x); arccos(x); arctg(x); arcctg(x); sinh(x); cosh(x); tgh(x); ctgh(x); ln(x); lg(x); log(x, y); exp(x); sqr(x); sqrt(x); power(x, y); min(x1, x2, ..., xn); max(x1, x2, ..., xn); pi; e
Application platform: Windows, BeOS, Unix
Instruments and technologies: MSVC++ v6.0, Metrowerks CodeWarrior for BeOS, gcc
Project volume: 15 developer-days
Note: Expression Parser is our own product.