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Expression Parser

Description: Expression parser used for analysis and calculations of mathematical expressions. OPERATIONS And FUNCTIONS: +; -; /; *; < < (shift to the left); > > (shift to the right); | (or); & (and); ^ (excluding or); ~ (not). The functions can have one parameter, two parameters, any quantity of parameters, or not have them at all (for example, constant). sin(x); cos(x); tg(x); ctg(x); arcsin(x); arccos(x); arctg(x); arcctg(x); sinh(x); cosh(x); tgh(x); ctgh(x); ln(x); lg(x); log(x, y); exp(x); sqr(x); sqrt(x); power(x, y); min(x1, x2, ..., xn); max(x1, x2, ..., xn); pi; e

Application platform: Windows, BeOS, Unix

Instruments and technologies: MSVC++ v6.0, Metrowerks CodeWarrior for BeOS, gcc

Project volume: 15 developer-days

Note: Expression Parser is our own product.

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Description: System for an exchange data between branches of ITC-Ukraine (ITC - one of the largest firms in freight traffic). Each branch has an opportunity to transfer to exchange the various data both with other branch and with the main office. The system is developed at several levels: the client of branch, client of the central office, manager of the central office. Transfer of the data Internet/Intranet. Multilevel access to the data

Application platform: Win9x/WinNT

Instruments and technologies: MSVC++ v5.0, MFC

Project volume: 230 developer-days

MP3 Player for Internet Explorer
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Description: ToolBar for IE 5 + allows you to listen mp3-files directly from Internet Explorer

Application platform: Win95/Win98/WinME/WinNT/Win2k/WinXP

Instruments and technologies: MSVC++ v6.0, WinAPI, SDK

Project volume: 10 developer-days

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Customer: MyDomainSearch

Description: This utility listing all your registered, parked or available domains. The main purpose of the folder is to mark your domains using the "mydomain" button. Here you will find that functionality is the key when you want the job done right. You decide how you want to configure this folders easy to use monitoring controls and edit functions

Application platform: Win95/Win98/WinME/WinNT/Win2k

Instruments and technologies: MSVC++ v5.0, MFC

Project volume: 45 developer-days

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Customer: Cutting Edge Publishing, Inc.

Description: Advanced CompositionTracker System

Application platform: Win95/Win98/WinME/WinNT/Win2k/WinXP

Instruments and technologies: MSVC++ v6.0, WinAPI

Project volume: 45 developer-days

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